CONNECT: Is there an area of sexual immorality that you need to address and flee from?
- What is the worst relationship advice that you have ever received?
- What are some of the lies do you think our culture tells about sex and relationships?
Read 1 Corinthians 7:1-7
- What were the questions that prompted Paul to write this part of the letter? Can you explain them?
- According to Paul (and Jesus), how is it clear that marriage is the context for sex? Was that a counter-cultural idea in Corinth? Is it a counter-cultural concept today?
- If married, how does sex only between the husband and wife honour God?
If single, how does abstinence from sex also honour God? - If someone was single, would it be right for them to grieve longings (e.g, for sexual expression or to be a parent) that cannot be expressed outside of the context of marriage? What would be a healthy way to go about expressing such grief to God?
Read 1 Corinthians 7:8-16
- What are all the various reasons that people were considering getting divorced?
- How can we best care for and love those who experience the brokenness of a marriage? How can we help support healthy marriages in the context of our local church?
- Do you think our culture ever diminishes single people? What are some of the common ways?
- If single, do you think it’s ever possible to idolise marriage? How might this be a distraction?
Read 1 Corinthians 7:17-40
- In what way can marriage and singleness both be gifts to God? What dictates this?
- Whether married, single, divorced, or widowed, what is our purpose? How do you approach relationships in such a way that demonstrates devotion to the Lord?
- How can we spur one another on in our devotion to the Lord no matter our circumstance?
- Is there anything currently distracting you from whole-hearted devotion to the Lord?
APPLY: How could you use your circumstance - right now - in more focused devotion to the Lord?