CONNECT: How could you show humility and demonstrate grace on your Frontline this week
- Why do you think the church can be hesitant to discuss sex? Why is ignoring it not helpful?
- Is sexual promiscuity just a modern day problem? What was it like in Paul’s Corinth?
Read 1 Corinthians 5:1-6:11
- What were the cases of sin that Paul has reported to him amongst the Corinthians? How shameful was it even in the pagan culture?
- What does the original word for ‘sexual immorality’ mean? What is the God-given context for sex?
- What was really at the heart of the problem in the Corinthian Church? Is that a problem for us?
- What does Paul mean in 5:8 by sincerity and truth? What does it look like to test our desires against God’s Word with sincerity and truth? How might this be costly?
- Are we ever in danger of trivialising sexual immorality? In what way?
- What is the danger of sin that goes ‘unchecked’? What image does Paul use to describe this danger?
- What is meant by 1 Corinthians 5:5? What did Paul hope to achieve for the man and the community?
- Why would expelling someone from a community only be used as a last resort? What steps would a community reasonably engage in before someone was expelled?
- If we fall into sexual immorality, are we condemned? How is 6:11 of encouragement to us?
Read 1 Corinthians 6:12-20
- How does Jesus’ resurrection confirm the reality that are bodies (and what we do with them) matter?
- How is marriage a sign of our union with Christ? How does this affect who we are ‘united’ with?
- In what ways are believers a temple of the Holy Spirit? How can we glorify God with our bodies?
- Can you think of a time in which you had to flee something? What does it mean to flee sexual sin?
- If a close friend shared that they were struggling with sexual sin, what would you advise them to do?
APPLY: Is there an area of sexual immorality that you need to address and flee from?