1 Corinthians
August 15, 2021

God's Church: Faith, Hope, and Love

The Rev'd Michael Calder
1 Corinthians 13

Questions and going deeper resources

Small group questions

CONNECT: Who is one person who you could encourage in the active use of their gifts for the Lord?


  1. If you were to ask a friend who wasn’t Christian what they thought love meant, what do you think they would say?
  2. If a friend who wasn’t a Christian was to ask you what you thought love was, what would you say?

Read 1 Corinthians 13:1-7

  1. According to this passage, how are we meant to use our gifts? Why? What is the danger of not using our gifts in this way?
  2. What does Paul mean by him being only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal, him being nothing, and him gaining nothing?
  3. In what areas are you serving? What attitude do you have towards using your gifts?
  4. Practically, how could you remind yourself of the importance of love wherever or whoever you serve?
  5. What sort of love are we to have and serve with?
  6. Where have we seen the elements of this list before? How is love the ultimate solution to the problems of the Corinthians?
  7. Re-read V4-7 and put your name where love is described. Is this an accurate description of your life?
  8. Where do we see this love lived out completely? How are we recipients of this love? How can we grow to be more like this in all that we do, especially as we take our part in building up God’s church?

Read 1 Corinthians 13:8-13

  1. What is the role and purpose of our gifts now? What will happen to our gifts and even our human knowledge when Christ returns?
  2. How is it that we can know God right now? Why is our knowledge currently only in part? How can we still have confidence in what God has revealed to us?
  3. How does God know us now? How will we know God in the New Creation?
  4. Why is love the greatest of all virtues?

APPLY:  How could you demonstrate Christ’s love on your frontlines this week?

Loving Lord, thank you for how you have selflessly loved us in Christ Jesus. How you have been patient, kind, how our sins have been forgiven because of the cross, and life is assured by the resurrection. Help us to always have this love when we use our gifts, as we seek to build your church for your glory. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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