January 5, 2025

Glory: The Glory of God

The Rev'd Adam Lowe
Exodus 33:12-33

Questions and going deeper resources

Small group questions

Connect How can you begin 2025 in a way that helps you to ‘number your days’ in orientation to the Lord?


  1. What do you normally think of when you hear of the ‘glory of God’? 
  2. Is it in our human nature to grasp for or bask in our own glory? Can you think of examples?
  3. What does ‘glory’ mean in the Bible? How is ‘glory’ connected with the identity of God?

Read Exodus 33:12-17

  1. What has been the story of the people of God up to this point (from Egypt)? How has God been at work? How have the people been less consistent in their faithfulness to God?
  2. Can you think of examples—generally and to specific people—in the Old Testament in which God had promised to be with his people or to never leave his people?
  3. What is Moses asking of God? What may have he been expecting of an assistant or co-leader?
  4. How does God answer Moses’ request? How is this the best possible answer to his question?
  5. Have we received a promise for God’s presence? When do you try to do things without God?

Read Exodus 33:18-20

  1. What was Moses’ request to God? What does he mean? What’s your response to his request?
  2. Is God’s presence something we should enjoy or long for? When do you most know his presence?
  3. Why is the yearning for God’s presence good? Do you think you’ve room to grow this yearning? How?
  4. Why can’t we—on our own—stand in the presence of God and live? Do you think people are offended by this?
  5. How is standing in God’s glory like staring at the sun? How is the difference between us & God greater?
  6. How does the sacrificial system point to the problem of our sin and God’s holiness?

Read Exodus 33:21-23

  1. What does the Lord promise Moses? How is his glory connected with his character? 
  2. In what way do we see God’s goodness as we look down at the manger and up to the cross?
  3. What provisions are made for Moses so that he can partly experience God’s glory? How is it evident that even this was the Lord’s doing and not by Moses’ actions or efforts?
  4. Are we able to be in God’s presence through any of our doing? To whom do we need to look?
  5. How has God made provision of the ultimate rock and shield so that we can be in his presence forever?
  6. What is one way that you could grow in your yearning and enjoyment of God’s presence? 

Apply What is one way that you could give thanks for—and enjoy—God’s presence more this week?

Glorious Lord, how we long for you! Thank you for revealing your glory to us and making provision for us to be in your presence, through your Son. In Jesus’ Name, Amen
Going deeper resources

On Your Front Line this Week

What daily and weekly rhythms this coming year will help you follow Jesus? Write them down and share them with a friend. 

For Families

Listen, Watch, and Read

Series Resources

  • Read (book): “Epiphany” by Fleming Rutledge.
  • Read (book, more technical): “Glorification: An Introduction" by Graham Cole 📚

📚 Available to borrow in the Church library

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