January 12, 2025

Glory: Jesus as God’s Glory

Amy Norman
Matthew 17:1-13

Questions and going deeper resources

Small group questions

Connect What is one way that you could give thanks for—and enjoy—God’s presence more this week?


  1. What is the most impressive view you’ve seen from a mountain? 
  2. What other mountain-top experiences can you think of in the Bible? What are the similarities?

Read Matthew 17:1-8

  1. What happens to make this no ordinary hike with Jesus? What did the disciples see and hear that would have been surprising and unexpected?
  2. Have you ever met anyone shining like the sun? Is there any example in Scripture? Why is Jesus different? 
  3. Who are the people who appear with Jesus? Is Jesus equivalent to them? What do they signify?
  4. When was another time a voice came from the sky? What does this tell us about Jesus? 
  5. When was another time a bright cloud was seen by God’s people?
  6. If someone asked you how they could see God, what would you say? What would be your evidence?
  7. What confidence and comfort does it give you personally to know that you can look at Jesus to know God?

Read Matthew 17:9-13

  1. How do you think the disciples would have felt when the first started coming down the mountain?
  2. What does Jesus tell the disciples not to do? Why? What do you think they would have loved to do?
  3. What did the disciples ask Jesus when they were descending? What does Jesus mean in his response?
  4. How did Jesus understand his crucifixion as one of the key moments of glorification? (You might also like to look at John 12:23). How is Jesus’ death truly a glorious moment for us personally and the world?
  5. How does Jesus’ glorification on the cross express God’s goodness, mercy, and name? 
  6. Do you think the crucifixion looks glorious in worldly terms? When would the disciples come to understand the significance of Jesus’ death? What does it reveal about God’s character and plan?

Read Matthew 16:27

  1. In what ways is the cross not the end of the story? What is yet to be revealed (then and now)?
  2. Whilst we do not know precisely when Jesus will return, what do we know for certain?
  3. What can give us confidence for that day when Jesus will return as judge in glory? If someone is not yet a Christian, how best should they prepare? How should Christians best return for his return?

Apply What is one way that you can enjoy Jesus’ presence and also prepare for his return?

Glorious Father, thank you for all your goodness and mercy, that we can come to know fully in Jesus. Thank you that in Jesus’ presence now, we don’t need to be afraid. May your Spirit help us to behold the goodness and mercy of Jesus’ glory, that we would depend on him and be ready for when he returns. Amen.
Going deeper resources

On Your Front Line this Week

Spend some time identifying your frontlines. Where do you spend the most time each week? What are the places and who are the people God has placed before you?

For Families

Listen, Watch, and Read

Series Resources

  • Read (book): “Epiphany” by Fleming Rutledge.
  • Read (book, more technical): “Glorification: An Introduction" by Graham Cole 📚

📚 Available to borrow in the Church library

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