January 26, 2025

Glory: Future Glory

The Rev'd Dr Daniel Rouhead
Revelation 21, Psalm 96, Romans 8

Questions and going deeper resources

Small group questions

Connect What is one way this week that you could reflect God’s glory on one of your frontlines?


  1. How does the progress and success of athletes (e.g., Gout Gout, Sam Konstas, Alex de Minaur) encourage others to succeed?
  2. Share a time when you trained for a challenging event or experience and successfully completed it.

Read Revelation 21:1-4

  1. What do these verses say about new creation and the old order of things?
  2. How do we experience the brokenness of creation in our lives?
  3. How do we experience the brokenness of creation in our relationships?
  4. How do we experience the brokenness of creation in the world?
  5. How do we experience the brokenness of creation at church?
  6. What is our source of strength as we experience this broken reality?

Read Revelation 21:1-5 and Psalm 96

  1. How would you describe the future glory outlined in these two passages?
  2. Do you have questions or doubts about new creation?
  3. What does Paul say our bodies will be like (Philippians 3:20-21)?
  4. How does Psalm 96 encourage you to live a life of worship?
  5. How is this future glory similar to but different from the glory attained by athletes?
  6. How can you declare his glory on your frontlines?

Read Romans 8:18-25 and 2 Corinthians 4:16-18

  1. How do you feel about Paul’s comparisons between present sufferings and future glory?
  2. What does Paul mean when he says present sufferings are “light and momentary troubles”?
  3. How do you patiently endure your sufferings? How do you hold onto hope?
  4. How can you help others as they face challenging circumstances?
  5. How does God help us to endure our present sufferings?

Apply How can you declare God’s glory on your frontline?

Lord, as we await the new creation, where all things will be made new and pain will be no more, fill our hearts with hope. May we cling to the assurance that your glory will far outweigh any trials we face today. Grant us grace to persevere, faith to trust in your timing, and love to reflect your goodness even in hardship, trusting that you are working all things together for good. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Going deeper resources

On Your Front Line this Week

Spend some time identifying your frontlines. Where do you spend the most time each week? What are the places and who are the people God has placed before you?

For Families

Listen, Watch, and Read

Series Resources

  • Read (book): “Epiphany” by Fleming Rutledge.
  • Read (book, more technical): “Glorification: An Introduction" by Graham Cole 📚

📚 Available to borrow in the Church library

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