November 15, 2020

Ephesians: Paul's Prayer

The Rev'd Michael Calder
Ephesians 3:14-21

Questions and going deeper resources

Small group questions

CONNECT: How could the way you live on your frontlines be a demonstration of the greatness of the Jesus this week?


  1. If you were to ask your friends what they think love is, what do you think they would say?

READ Ephesians 3:14-17a

  1. Paul starts off by writing ‘for this reason’. What is his reasoning for praying for the Ephesians in the following way?
  2. What does V15 remind us about who we are praying to? What do we learn about God here?
  3. Where do people of the world try and find their strength? Where do Christians find their strength? How could you remind yourself of this this week?
  4. What is our ‘inner-being’? What are some of the effects of being strengthened by God?
  5. How does Christ dwelling in our hearts impact the way we live everyday?

READ Ephesians 3:17b-19

  1. What does is look like to be rooted and established in love? How does having a firm foundation in this love give us assurance and hope?
  2. What is the role of both the individual and the whole church in understanding the love of God?
  3. Is it possible to be able to fully grasp the love of Christ? How could we grow in our understanding of it?
  4. Where do we see Christ’s love most clearly displayed? How should this event shape our whole lives?
  5. How does being filled with all the fulness of God make us more like him? How can we ensure that every part of our lives are dedicated to God? Practically, what could help you this week?

READ Ephesians 3:20-21

  1. In light of all that we have looked at in the past 6 weeks in Ephesians, what is Paul’s response? What should our response be?
  2. What limits do we put on God in our own lives? Are there any limits to what God can do?
  3. How should this change the way that we pray and relate to God?
  4. Practically, what does it look like for us as a church to live for the glory of God? How can you help?

APPLY: Pray for strength and power to grasp God’s love even more everyday this week.

Heavenly Father, how we thank and praise you for all your goodness towards us and your vast love shown to us in so many ways, and shown so clearly in Jesus. Please keep us from our own limited view of your love, but keep us rooted and established in your love, that we may grasp it more and more each day, that we may become more like Jesus and glorify him everyday. In his name we pray, Amen.

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