Encountering Jesus
January 30, 2022

Encountering Jesus: The Waiting Prophet

The Rev'd Michael Calder
Luke 2:21-28

Questions and going deeper resources

Small group questions

CONNECT: Who are THREE people on your frontlines whom you long to become followers of Jesus? What would practically help you cultivate a habit of praying for them daily?


  1. Have you ever had a life-changing encounter with someone?
  2. Can you remember the first time you heard about Jesus or the first time you gave your life to him? How did you react? Try to see if you can craft this into a short paragraph to be able to use when you’re telling people about Jesus!

Read Luke 2:21-32

  1. What were all the rituals that Jesus went under? Why did he go through all of these? What does this tell us about the nationality and background of Jesus?
  2. What was Simeon waiting for? Why was Israel in need of consolation?
  3. Why was Simeon so content and satisfied in seeing this baby? What did Simeon see in him?
  4. Is the salvation that Jesus offers limited to only Israelites or only those in church? Why/why not?
  5. How is Jesus the light for all the nations? What does light do?
  6. What other things in this world may we try to find satisfaction or salvation in? How can we ensure we look to Jesus for these things?

Luke 2:33-38

  1. In what ways do we see Simeon’s prophesy in V34-35 fulfilled in Jesus’ lifetime and even to this day? Why do you think Jesus causes this much division?
  2. How does Jesus reveal the thoughts of our hearts? Where or to whom can we run when we know we haven’t lived as he has called us to live?
  3. What are we told about Anna? How did she react to seeing Jesus?
  4. What could help you grow in your awe and wonder at who Jesus is and what he has done?

APPLY: As we think about encountering Jesus, what opportunities do your friends have this year to encounter Jesus through your words, invitation, or your actions?

Heavenly Father, thank you for the salvation and satisfaction that is found in Jesus. Thank you for the faithful patience of Simeon and Anna, and help us to find our joy and fulfilment in knowing and being known by Jesus. Give us opportunities this year to tell others about our encounter and relationship with you. Amen.
Going deeper resources

On Your Frontline This Week: In February, where do you see Jesus’ priorities on your calendar?

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