Encountering Jesus
April 10, 2022

Encountering Jesus: The Greedy Traitor

The Rev'd Adam Lowe
Luke 19:1-10

Questions and going deeper resources

Small group questions

CONNECT: What distracts you from hearing God’s Word? How could you avoid it or lessen it?


  1. What’s significant about Jericho? Where was Jesus passing through to?

Read Luke 19:1-4

  1. What do we know about Zacchaeus? Why were tax collectors considered to be traitors and cheats?
  2. How could tax collectors become wealthy? What did it mean that Zacchaeus was a chief tax collector?
  3. Why do you think Zacchaeus wanted to see Jesus? What did he need to leave behind to climb the tree?
  4. In order to follow Jesus are there any aspects of your pride that you have needed to leave behind?
  1. Can you think of any modern examples of how people might just ‘peek’ at Jesus from the sidelines? Do you know anyone who looks to Jesus from a distance? How could you encourage them closer?

Read Luke 19:5-10

  1. How do you think Zacchaeus felt when Jesus spotted him and called him? Who is taking the initiative?
  2. What does Jesus say? How is it clear that this is more than Jesus inviting simply himself over for dinner?
  3. How does Zacchaeus respond? What does it mean that he welcomed Jesus gladly? (cf. Revelation 3:20)
  4. In what way are we still able to welcome Jesus gladly into our lives today? When did you first do this?
  5. Why was everyone so upset that Jesus went to eat with Zacchaeus? Can we ever be resentful like this?
  6. Is there anyone in your life (or on your frontlines) whom you sometimes are tempted to think is beyond salvation? How should this encounter reshape that view? How could you better respond?
  7. How is it evident that Zacchaeus was deeply convicted of his sin and wanted to repent of his ways? How does Zacchaeus compare to the rich young ruler from earlier in Luke? (cf. Luke 18:18-23)
  8. How do you think Zacchaeus’ employees would have responded to his new found ways?
  9. On one of your frontlines (e.g., work or friends), how is it evident to others that grace has taken a grip on your life? In what area of your life do you think grace needs to have a greater ‘re-ordering’ effect’?
  10. What is Jesus’ mission? How did Jesus becoming the ultimate ‘outsider’ make that possible?

APPLY: In light of God’s grace, what one area of your life needs some further ‘re-ordering’?

Loving Father, thank you that we can listen to and study your word. Please help us to prioritise this and make time for it in our lives. Give us discernment and wisdom as to when we need to leave good things behind to pursue this best thing. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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