Encountering Jesus
April 3, 2022

Encountering Jesus: The Contrary Sisters

The Rev'd Michael Calder
Luke 10:38-42

Questions and going deeper resources

Small group questions

CONNECT: How can you reach out to Jesus this week?


  1. What are some everyday situations that you find yourself in where it’s not good to be distracted?

Read Luke 10:38-40

  1. What are the two different actions that Mary and Martha do?
  2. What do you think may have motivated Martha to go about being busy when Jesus was there?
  3. Is there anything wrong with serving Jesus or doing acts of service? Why or Why not?
  4. How could our good acts of service go wrong or prove to be unhelpful?
  5. What is so remarkable about what Mary was doing?
  6. Are we ever in danger of being too busy with good things that we miss the best thing? Specifically, what can pull you away from spending time with God?
  7. Why do you think Martha appealed to Jesus instead of Mary with her complaint? What response may she have been expecting from Jesus?

Read Luke 10:41-42

  1. How did Jesus respond to Martha’s request?
  2. What sort of things was Martha worried about? Were they bad things?
  3. What is the main thing that is needed? Why is this more important than being busy?
  4. Does this mean that we should drop everything and just read and not worry about doing any acts of service or ministry? Why/why not?
  5. Why do you think Luke placed this passage right after the parable of the Good Samaritan?
  6. How then should we prioritise how we spend time in God’s word and how we serve God on our frontlines? What should drive us into service?

APPLY: What distracts you from hearing God’s word? How could you avoid it or lessen it?

Loving Father, thank you that we can listen to and study your word. Please help us to prioritise this and make time for it in our lives. Give us discernment and wisdom as to when we need to leave good things behind to pursue this best thing. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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