Encountering Jesus
March 27, 2022

Encountering Jesus: The Bleeding Woman

The Rev'd Dr Daniel Rouhead
Luke 8:40-48

Questions and going deeper resources

Small group questions

CONNECT: How might you take a stand against the ways of evil this week?


  1. Have you been caught up in a surging crowd? How did that feel?
  2. Who or what has helped you through a complex situation (health or otherwise)?

Read Luke 8:40-46

  1. How is this situation similar and different to the healing of the Centurionʼs servant? (see Luke 6:1-3)
  2. What are the differences between Jairus and the woman with bleeding?
  3. Have there been times when you identify with Jairus or the woman in terms of approaching God?
  4. What medical condition does this woman face? Why is it so disabling?
  5. What has this woman tried so far? What have been the consequences? (see also Mark 5:25-26)
  6. Why couldnʼt this woman approach Jesus directly?
  7. What was the difference between Jesus and her other so-called ʻhealersʼ?
  8. What does this womanʼs actions tell us about her faith?
  9. How did Jesus heal the woman? Was the healing complete? How would this healing change her life?
  10. Have you experienced healing from Jesus? Share your experiences, if you are comfortable to do so.

Read Luke 8:47-48

  1. Jesus stops on his way to heal a dying child. How would Jairus be feeling?
  2. Have you ever felt impatient with God?
  3. Why does Jesus ask the woman to identify herself in front of the crowd? How would it benefit her?
  4. Do you feel accepted by God as a son or daughter?
  5. If so, how do you experience Godʼs peace? If not, what is the next step you can make towards Jesus?

APPLY: How can you reach out to Jesus this week?

Loving Father, thank you that you know us and our deepest needs. Help us to know that, like the bleeding woman, we can reach out to you confident that you will stop, take notice and respond with compassion and kindness. In Jesusʼ name, Amen.

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