October 24, 2021

Daniel: A Tall Order

The Rev'd Dr Daniel Rouhead
Daniel 2

Questions and going deeper resources

Small group questions

CONNECT: On any of your frontlines, is there anything you need to say ‘no’ to in order to be faithful to God?


  1. Share an experience when your knowledge or strength failed you. How did you respond?

Read Daniel 2:1-23

  1. Why was Nebuchadnezzar so disturbed by his dreams? What does this say about their origin and significance?
  2. Where do he seek guidance? Why doesn’t he tell his “wise men” the details of his dreams? What does this say about him?
  3. In whom or what did the Babylonians place their trust? Who was their god? In whom or what do we place our trust, and how reliable is it?

Read Daniel 2:16-23; 27-28

  1. How did Daniel respond to hearing the news that he and his friends had been sentenced to death?
  2. How does Daniel seek the answer to Nebuchadnezzar’s question? Who gives him the answer?
  3. How do you approach a difficult situation or problem? How does Daniel respond to receiving the answer from God?
  4. When Daniel approaches Nebuchadnezzar, who does Daniel say is the source of the answer? How is this so counter-cultural (then and now)?
  5. How do we acknowledge God in our achievements? How can we be consistent in this?
  6. How does our church’s mission acknowledge this? How can we, as a community, remain consistent in this?

Read Daniel 2:36-49

  1. Who does Daniel say is the source of Nebuchadnezzar’s power and authority? Why is this significant?
  2. What is the main message of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream? How does Nebuchadnezzar react?
  3. How, and by whom, is God’s kingdom established? How is it different from human kingdoms?
  4. How can we tell others about God’s Kingdom and Jesus’ invitation for all to enter?

Apply How can we trust God this week and acknowledge his work in our lives to those on our frontlines?

Gracious Father, help us to place our trust in Jesus so that we seek your guidance in all things, follow you faithfully and give you honour and praise in all things, through Jesus Christ, Amen.
Going deeper resources

On Your Frontline This Week: How could God’s wisdom shape how you engage on your frontline? Bring to God in prayer what you do and don’t need help with this week.

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