The Priorities of Jesus
January 16, 2022

COMMANDMENT: Love God and Neighbour

The Rev'd Michael Calder
Mark 12:28-34

Questions and going deeper resources

Small group questions

CONNECT: In 2022, what is one way in which you need to bring the use of your time, talents, and treasures more into line with the priorities of Jesus?


  1. What do you think the people on your frontlines think Christianity is all about?
  2. How is the Christian story different to these possible misconceptions?

Read Mark 12:28-31

  1. Why were the Pharisees and teachers of the law trying to have Jesus arrested? How were they attempting to do this?
  2. What was the motivation of this teacher who approaches Jesus in V28? Why was his question to intriguing for the Rabbis of the day?
  3. What was the first part of Jesus’ answer? Why is this statement foundational for all the other commandments?
  4. In what ways are we commanded to love God? How does this look for you practically?
  5. Read 1 John 2:15. What then are we not to love? Where is it tempting to love the world rather than God? What could help you avoid these temptations?
  6. Who are are neighbours? To what extent are we to love our neighbours?
  7. How could you share your love to your neighbours on your frontlines this year?

Read Mark 12:32-33

  1. Why will attempting perfection not work in attempting to follow the commandments? If we have been saved by grace, why then are we to obey God?
  2. What is at the heart of us following God’s commandments? What attitude should we have towards God in obeying him?
  3. If the teacher wasn’t far from the kingdom, how do we gain entrance into the kingdom?

APPLY: How could you grow in your love for God and neighbour in 2022?

Heavenly Father, thank you that you are the creator, that you are the only God, and that you have revealed yourself and the way you want us to live in your word. We are sorry for when we haven’t loved you as we ought, when we haven’t loved our neighbours as ourselves. Please help us this year to grow in our love for you and our obedience to you as we grow in our knowledge of you and your grace. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Going deeper resources

On Your Frontline This Week: What does it look like to prioritise Jesus on your frontline? What might you adopt, stop, or focus on this year?

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