June 12, 2022

Colossians: At Church, Home, and Work

The Rev'd Adam Lowe
Colossians 3:12-4:1

Questions and going deeper resources

Small group questions

CONNECT: What things of the old life do you need to take off? What things can you put on to help you?


  1. When have you been the recipient of compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, or patience? (Particularly think about an example from either church, home, or work – as relevant).

Read Colossians 3:12-17

  1. What does it mean to be chosen and dearly loved by God? What does it mean to you to know that we too are chosen and dearly loved?
  2. What does Paul say that the Colossians should ʻclotheʼ themselves with? Can you define them?
  3. What most challenges you on this list? Is there anything that is currently particularly hard?
  4. How can prayer and practice help cultivate these virtues? How does the power of the Spirit enable us?
  5. When we (or others) get the virtues wrong, what should we be quick to do? Why is that the case?
  6. Do you find it hard to forgive? Is there anything troubling you right now? How could the group pray?
  7. How do you see verses 15 and 16 reflected in the life of our church? How do we nurture this?

Read Colossians 3:18-25

  1. As Paul applies the metaphor of getting dressed, what are the frontlines that he most has in mind?
  2. Who was part of a typical household in the Greco-Roman world? Do you think this would have made it easier or harder to be an authentic Christian witness?
  3. Does anything stand out for you in these verses? Are you surprised by anything Paul does or doesnʼt say?
  4. How is Paulʼs expectations for wives and husbands consistent with culture and also counter-cultural?
  5. How radical was the concept of some form of mutuality in marriage, parenting, and slavery?
  6. Why do you think Paul doesnʼt call for immediately overturning slavery? Does this mean he supports it?
  7. What are the opportunities you have to demonstrate the virtues in your household and/or workplace?
  8. What does Paul mean by ʻwhatever you doʼ? Whatʼs le out? Is there anything in your life that you currently find it hard to know how best to orientate it for the Lord?

APPLY: How can you more intentionally pray and practice (in the power of the Holy Spirit) compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience?

Gracious Father, thank you that our identity and future is hidden in Christ. Please help us to take off the things not of you and instead put on all that you desire for us. In Jesusʼ Name, Amen.

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