CONNECT: What could most help you be rooted and built up in Jesus?
- Have you ever felt inadequate as a Christian compared to others? Whatʼs the antidote?
- What are the types of “counterfeit spirituality” that you have experienced?
Read Colossians 2:16-17 (Freedom from the Super-Religious)
- What does Paul mean by, “do not let anyone judge you”? How might the Colossian Christians have experienced the judgement of others?
- What were the extra things forbidden and required of the Colossians by those judging them?
- What does Paul mean by his description of these things being a ʻshadowʼ of the reality in Christ?
- What are the common sort of ʻrulesʼ that people add to the Gospel today? Have you experienced this?
Read Colossians 2:18-19 (Freedom from the Super-Spiritual)
- What does Paul mean by, “do not let anyone disqualify you”?
- What sort of ʻsuper-spiritualʼ things could have been happening around the Colossians?
- How can these sort of ʻsuper-spiritualʼ things both appeal to our pride and play on our insecurities?
- What does Paul say about those who endlessly pursue such spiritual experience? What does he mean?
- What are the common types of spiritual experiences pushed onto Christians as necessary today?
- Why are such spiritual experiences not necessary for salvation or as a ʻmakerʼ of belonging?
Read Colossians 2:20-23 (Freedom for that which Lasts)
- What sort of strange practices were happening at the time? How could these be both attractive and ineffective? Do you think we could ever be attracted to such practices today?
- If we do not belong to this world, to whom do we belong?
- If we belong to Christ, what do we have freedom from? What do we have freedom for?
- On what basis does Paul argue that we do not need to follow human commands or traditions to be saved?
APPLY: How can you be on guard against taking up or promoting counterfeit forms of spirituality?