Connect Select one 6M to focus on this week, as you orientate whatever you do to Jesus?
- Do you find it difficult to prioritise rest over work? Share one time when you felt completely rested.
Read Genesis 2:1-3
- Why does God rest? Why do we need rest?
- How do you manage to maintain a rhythm of work and rest? What are the barriers?
- How does God continue to enable people to rest throughout the Old Testament (see sermon references)? How does the creation account point forward to the ultimate rest that we look forward to?
Read Exodus 16:21-30, Ecclesiastes 4:7-9
- Do you find yourself resisting rest? Share how and why.
- What cultural, social and personal factors cause people to choose work over rest?
- What role does trust play in embracing rest? How can we be like the Israelites who still looked for manna on the Sabbath?
- How does dissatisfaction with work contribute to resisting rest? Why does humanity continue to look for satisfaction through wealth and success?
- How does the bible witness help you to trust in God and find satisfaction in him?
Read Matthew 12:1-14
- What laws did Jesus break during this passage?
- How does Jesus justify his actions? What does this teach us about rest?
- How does Jesus healing on the Sabbath guide how we rest?
- What does it mean for Jesus to be greater than the Temple and the Lord of the Sabbath?
- How do we find rest in Jesus? What habits are helpful for you?
- Share how prayer helps you to rest in Jesus? Share how placing your future in Jesus’ hands helps you to rest? Share how allowing Jesus to lead you and shape you helps you to rest?
- How can you help others experience rest?
Apply How can you use your rest times this week to draw closer to Jesus?