CONNECT: Who is one person, on your front line, you can pray for, share the good news with, and disciple this year?
WARM-UP Questions
- Have you ever considered the ascension of Jesus to be critical? Why or why not?
- Have you ever had a moment where you suddenly understood who Jesus is more clearly? Have you ever shared that with anyone else?
READ Acts 1:1-11
- As you read the introduction to Acts, what gives credibility to this report?
- Why does Luke both finish Luke and commence Acts with the ascension account? If the ascension didn’t happen, what are the implications?
READ Hebrews 7:23-27
- What are the implications of Jesus being alive? What does it mean that he is our permanent priest?
- In what was does the living Lord Jesus intercede for us? What gives you confidence to run to him with both your greatest need (for forgiveness) along with all other needs?
- What does it mean to you that you can not only know ‘about’ Jesus, but actually know him?
- In what way is Jesus both the perfect High Priest and perfect sacrifice? How does that make him worthy of our praise and our devotion?
READ Luke 24:45-53
- What is the significance of the disciples worshipping Jesus immediately after the ascension?
- What is different about Jesus’ assumption into heaven compared to Enoch’s or Elijah’s?
- What exactly were the disciples to be witnesses to? How about us?
- Why did the disciples have to wait until Pentecost to continue Jesus’ mission on earth? How are we equipped for this mission too?
- How should Jesus’ return motivate us to go into the world as witnesses of Jesus?
APPLY This Week: What is one key opportunity for you to connect with or pray for your ‘one key person’ who are hoping becomes a Christian?