1 Thessalonians
October 21, 2018

1 Thessalonians: What Makes Christians Different?

The Rev'd David Browne
1 Thessalonians 2:1-12

Questions and going deeper resources

Small group questions

CONNECT: How can you embody and proclaim the Gospel more this week?

WARM-UP Questions

  1. Has anyone ever tried to peddle a product or idea to you with selfish motives? What was the result?
  2. Has someone ever tried to attack your character and integrity? How did you respond?

READ 1 Thessalonians 2:1-4

  1. What is Paul trying to do in these four verses? Why does he keep recalling past experiences?
  2. In v.5 Paul mentions his suffering in Philippi (you can read about it in Acts 16:11-40). What does his willingness to endure suffering, in order to evangelise, tell us about his message?
  3. What sort of doubts about his ministry might Paul be responding to here?
  4. In v.4 Paul writes that he and his fellow apostles were ‘entrusted with the Gospel’. What does he mean?
  5. What are our responsibilities as stewards or caretakers, entrusted with the gospel message?

READ 1 Thessalonians 2:5-8

  1. How does Paul describe the manner in which missionaries to Thessalonica shared the gospel?
  2. Can you think of examples of where people use flattery, masks, or people pleasing in order to sell their ideas? How should ministers of the Gospel share their message?
  3. What kind of relationships were formed during Paul’s time in Thessalonica?
  4. What do you think Paul means when he writes in v.8 that they shared their ‘whole lives’ with them?
  5. How does the love Paul has for the Thessalonians mirror God’s love for us?
  6. What is St Bart’s doing to create a sincere, loving, and supportive community? How could we improve?

READ 1 Thessalonians 2:9-12

  1. Paul worked part-time as a tent-maker to support his ministry in Thessalonica. What does this tell us about the Gospel and Paul’s motives? How do Christians follow this example today?
  2. Is Paul bragging about his own conduct in these verses? Why/why not?
  3. Make a list of the characteristics of a minister of the Gospel vs. religious salesmen from v.1-12.
  4. What metaphors and analogies does Paul use to describe his relationships in the early church?
  5. What sacrifices have you made in order to follow Jesus? What have you gained in the process?
  6. What do you think Paul means when he writes: we encouraged you to ‘live a life worthy of God’?

APPLY (this week): How can we encourage each other to ‘live a life worthy of God’ today?

Loving Father God, we thank you for your Word written for us. Thank you for your church which has preserved it for us. Thank you for Jesus who gave up his life, so that our relationships with you might be restored and that we might be welcomed into your kingdom and glory. Help us to be faithful ministers of your gospel of grace to our family, friends, and neighbours. In Jesus name. Amen!

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