CONNECT: How can you embody and proclaim the Gospel more this week?
WARM-UP Questions
- Has anyone ever tried to peddle a product or idea to you with selfish motives? What was the result?
- Has someone ever tried to attack your character and integrity? How did you respond?
READ 1 Thessalonians 2:1-4
- What is Paul trying to do in these four verses? Why does he keep recalling past experiences?
- In v.5 Paul mentions his suffering in Philippi (you can read about it in Acts 16:11-40). What does his willingness to endure suffering, in order to evangelise, tell us about his message?
- What sort of doubts about his ministry might Paul be responding to here?
- In v.4 Paul writes that he and his fellow apostles were ‘entrusted with the Gospel’. What does he mean?
- What are our responsibilities as stewards or caretakers, entrusted with the gospel message?
READ 1 Thessalonians 2:5-8
- How does Paul describe the manner in which missionaries to Thessalonica shared the gospel?
- Can you think of examples of where people use flattery, masks, or people pleasing in order to sell their ideas? How should ministers of the Gospel share their message?
- What kind of relationships were formed during Paul’s time in Thessalonica?
- What do you think Paul means when he writes in v.8 that they shared their ‘whole lives’ with them?
- How does the love Paul has for the Thessalonians mirror God’s love for us?
- What is St Bart’s doing to create a sincere, loving, and supportive community? How could we improve?
READ 1 Thessalonians 2:9-12
- Paul worked part-time as a tent-maker to support his ministry in Thessalonica. What does this tell us about the Gospel and Paul’s motives? How do Christians follow this example today?
- Is Paul bragging about his own conduct in these verses? Why/why not?
- Make a list of the characteristics of a minister of the Gospel vs. religious salesmen from v.1-12.
- What metaphors and analogies does Paul use to describe his relationships in the early church?
- What sacrifices have you made in order to follow Jesus? What have you gained in the process?
- What do you think Paul means when he writes: we encouraged you to ‘live a life worthy of God’?
APPLY (this week): How can we encourage each other to ‘live a life worthy of God’ today?