CONNECT: What is one aspect of your life (especially considering the topics covered this week) that you can orientate more to please God?
WARM-UP Questions
- Why do humans often respond to death by denying it, trying to defy it, or even at times romanticising it?
READ 1 Thessalonians 4:13-15
- What are the two key reasons why Christians do not grieve like the rest of the world?
- Why is Jesus’ death and resurrection such a sure ground for hope for us?
- Does that mean that we are not meant to grieve at all? Why or why not?
- In the face of their brothers and sisters dying, why was this causing the Thessalonians to question the certainty of their own future with the Lord?
- Whilst many questions still remain about what happens to us after death, what are the great certainties of which we can be sure? How can we be sure that for whoever dies in Christ, that the very next thing they know, will be the very presence of the Lord?
- What does it mean for you to know that death is not the end? How does this spur us on proclamation?
- In the face of death, how should Christians both grieve and hope? What does it mean for grief to be shaped by hope?
READ 1 Thessalonians 4:16-18
- How will Jesus’ return be the welcoming of the ultimate King? How will we know that it is happening?
- What is different between Jesus’ first coming and his second coming?
- In what way will Jesus’ return mark the fulfilment of the Kingdom of God? What will this Kingdom be like and in what way will it superior to our experience of the world now?
- When it comes to ‘forever with the Lord’, why are there no hierarchies or super righteous, but simply those who have put their trust in Jesus?
- How does verse 17 emphasise that we will be with the Lord forever? What most excites you about this?
- How can we best look forward to Jesus’ return to help shape how we live for God today?
- What does it look like – as per verse 18 – to encourage one another with these words?
APPLY This Week: How can you be reminded – every single day – that Jesus will return? (Try to think of something really practical that can form part of your daily rhythm of life.)