1 Thessalonians
November 25, 2018

1 Thessalonians: A God Who Will Do It

The Rev'd David Browne
1 Thessalonians 5

Questions and going deeper resources

Small group questions

CONNECT: How can you be reminded – every single day – that Jesus will return? (Try to think of something really practical that can form part of your daily rhythm of life.)

WARM-UP Questions

  1. Do you have anyone in your life who is preparing for something big in the future? How do they go about their preparations? 
  2. What do people in our world believe about the end of the world? Is it helpful to think about the end?

READ 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11

  1. Why do you think Paul writes, in v.1, that ‘about times and dates we don’t need to write to you’?
  2. What analogies does Paul use for the ‘day of the Lord’? What do you think he’s trying to say? 
  3. What are some of the contrasts drawn in v.4-11? What are we being told about how we should live?
  4. What are the privileges and responsibilities of being ‘in the know’ about Jesus’ return? 

READ 1 Thessalonians 5:12-22

  1. How wIn these final verses Paul gives words of encouragement. How many encouragements can you find? 
  2. Who are verses 12-14 about? What does this say about such people in churches today? 
  3. What are the parallels between Jesus’ teaching (see Matthew 5:43-48; Mark 12:30-31; Luke 6:27-36; John 13:34) and Paul’s teaching in these verses? 
  4. Do v.16-18 mean we have to be happy all the time? Do you know someone who lives this out?
  5. What is Paul teaching about the Holy Spirit and prophecy in v.19-21? How should we respond when someone says they have heard something from God? 

READ 1 Thessalonians 5:23-28

  1. What do v.23-28 tell us about the way Christians are to care for each other?
  2. Outline the logic that convinces us that when we suffer it means that God doesn’t care. What are the holes in this logic?
  3. What is sanctification and what value does it hold for Christians?
  4. A ‘holy kiss’ was a form of greeting in the ancient world. How can we greet people in a way that conveys God’s love but doesn’t freak them out or give them the wrong idea today?
  5. What have been the challenges and highlights of our 1 Thessalonians series for you?

APPLY This Week: What are some applications that you can take from our 1 Thessalonians series that will help you live in preparation for Jesus return? 

Loving Heavenly Father, thank you that you are always faithful and always keep your promises. Thank you for the hope found in Christ’s death, resurrection, and his promise to return in glory. Help us, by the inspiration of your Holy Spirit, to live in light of Jesus’ return and to serve you with gladness. Amen!

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