February 2, 2020
At the heart of Matthew’s Gospel is the good news that it’s in Jesus that all of God’s promises have been fulfilled. Matthew shares the phenomenal news that there is none other that we need to look to, other than Jesus: Jesus is the one and only King whom we need. It’s also important to note that Matthew’s Gospel is unique in the way that the witnessing of Jesus’ life is interspersed with extended sections of teaching (sometimes referred to as key ‘discourses’). Some of these (e.g., “The Sermon on the Mount”) are well known, whilst others are less familiar, but they all are critical in helping us to understand the identity of Jesus and our need tor recognise him with our hearts as Lord.
To help us grow in our understanding of how Jesus is the fulfilment of our greatest need and all that God has promised, we’re taking a closer look (in the lead-up to Easter) at the section of Matthew’s Gospel that covers Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem right up to his death, resurrection, and ascension (i.e., Matthew 21-28). This covers a climactic period of Jesus’ life, full of conflict with the religious leaders, warnings about the future, and a clear demonstration that he is the one who has fulfilled the Law and the Prophets.
As you read through Matthew 21-28, take time to consider how his identity, death, resurrection, and promised return, transform your confidence for the future and how that shapes your priorities today