COVID-19 and the Church: How is Crisis an Opportunity for Strategic Change?

May 12, 2020

The Rev'd Adam Lowe

In light of COVID-19, churches have responded quickly to discern a faithful way forward. Amidst extraordinary circumstances, it’s been encouraging to witness the creative ways in which local churches have continued to express their mission and life together (see, “Horizon 1” below). In fact, the crisis has precipitated some of the most intense change in the living memory of the church in Australia! Whilst leaders typically must create a ‘readiness for change’ (what Lewin refers to ‘unfreezing’ in his classic model of change), that hasn’t been required as external conditions have dictated change as necessary. So now what?

Where to Now?

First, leaders must recognise their need for support in what will be an ultra-marathon, not a sprint. Partners in Ministry have some helpful insights that are worth checking out.

Second, it’s important to recognise that amidst exhaustion and change fatigue, it’s ever-so-tempting to earnestly attempt to get back to ‘normal’ (or even the #newnormal). The last two months have stretched our churches and leaders in an unprecedented way. And just like a rubber band, the natural inertia is for things to ‘snap back into normal’. Organisations respond a lot like people - conforming to well trodden-paths and ways. That’s not necessarily an unhealthy thing - after all, churches work hard to ensure that our values and mission are integrated into our way of being. As the rate of change has plateaued, this yearning to go back can lead us to conceptualise this current period (i.e., Horizon 2) as a ‘holding pattern’, rather than a ‘readying’ stage for what comes next. While we must respond appropriately to guidelines as they unfold, we should also be active in discerning where God is leading us next.

Four Scenarios

As we think about the future, here are four scenarios to consider. Which do you think is the focus of your community?

Scenario A: RECOVER. Key Question: How do we get back to the way things were? This scenario seeks to re-establish pre-COVID ways as soon as possible. Returning to this prior state will be almost entirely externally driven as restrictions are eased incrementally.

Scenario B: REINVENTION. Key Question: What brand new place can we go? This scenario seeks to increase the rate of change. The result will be that the post-COVID shape of the community will be unrecognisable to the pre-COVID way. I think this is relatively unlikely for most local churches (I’m exhausted even considering the prospect!).

Scenario C: REFRAME. Key Question: What can we learn and adopt going forward? This scenario recognises that whilst we long to return to much of the shape of our life together (as has proven helpful to the shape of Christian community and mission) we also can learn from this time. This is the scenario that most churches will benefit from considering.

Scenario D: RELEASE. Key Question: How can we finish well? This scenario recognises that the community cannot continue in its current form and now must consider closing. This may be a question previously considered, simply ignored, or - due to lasting effects - precipitated by the crisis. This could be a missional opportunity to explore connections with other local churches.

While there will be churches considering all four scenarios, my hunch is that most churches will be in Scenario C - Reframe. If you’re in that position, I’d encourage you to think about the following three questions at both a ministry level (i.e., the ministry or portfolio for which you are responsible) and also for you as a leader. I have no doubt that God is teaching us through these times.

Please note that all questions are intended to be considered in relation to the effectiveness of your mission (not simply merely preference!). If you have a team, this could be a helpful process to work through prayerfully together.

Three Questions

During this period of change…

  1. What have we STOPPED (in a ministry or as a leader) that we don’t want to back to?
  2. What have we CHANGED (in a ministry or as a leader) that we wish to continue?
  3. What has we STARTED (in a ministry and as a leader) that we wish to adopt?

Word of warning: you (and your team and people) cannot possibly do everything! The goal of this process is not to cause us to feel (even more) overwhelmed, but to focus and discern where God is continuing to lead more intentionally. Determining the next steps will require an immense amount of wisdom; wisdom, that can only ultimately come from God.


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