Accessibility Cards

December 4, 2022

All children should be able to come and learn about God, his Word and his love for us. We want there to be no barriers for any child to be able to hear the Good News. This is why we have developed a set of forty-four picture cards to support communication in our spaces.

These cards are available for use by all children, but they have been particularly designed to support children who are developing their language and communication skills, or children who may have English as an additional language. Just as we use images in other aspects of our curriculum to support understanding, the use of visual prompts and images in this way assists children to navigate around our spaces and communicate with others.

These picture cards have been created to link directly with various aspects of a Sunday children's ministry program, and have been produced in five language versions:

Each individual card features one image with the associated word written below.
There are cards that pertain to activities of a Sunday program (such as worship, bible story, and prayer), as well as common requests (I need help, I feel sick or drink), actions (listen, wash hands or sit down), emotions (happy, tired or confused), and activities (colour, write, or chalk).

These cards can be printed and used to assist with communication. They are also ideal for creating timetable charts to show children how the session is progress and what to expect next.

Accessibility Language Picture Cards
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