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Register for FOCUS 2023

April 16, 2023

Come & join us for our FOCUS Weekend Away! This is a weekend for all ages, to head away to Coolum Beach, to focus on God, community, and the beach. It is one of the unique events in the year where we get to gather together across each congregation, including with those who regularly join online. Every year many people new to St Bart’s join us too - so you’re invited!

When: Friday 12 May (~4pm) to Sunday 14 May (~1pm)

What to Expect: Across three days, from 4pm Friday to Sunday lunch, there is a mixture of Bible talks, time with community, activities, and free time. We intentionally set aside flexible time so you can return home having enjoyed the beach and time with others. We are staying at Luther Heights - a new and spacious site, just across from the beach.

Speaker: We are delighted that Wei-Han will be joining us! He currently serves as the Executive Director at CMS Victoria, and will be teaching three sessions in the Psalms. There will also be a concurrent St Bart’s Kids program for Primary and Crèche aged children.

Cost: Includes meals and accommodation:
$165 Adult & Youth
$150 Child (Prep - Grade 6)
$30 Child (Pre-Prep)
+$15 pp for ensuite rooms

>> Register Today stbarts.com.au/focus

Please us me know if you have any questions. Would love to see you there!

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