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Since the earliest days of Christianity, epiphany (the period of time following Christmas) has been a season celebrating the revealing of Christ to the world. As the Word became flesh and dwelt amongst us, we have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son! (John 1:14) Glory, as Fleming Rutledge puts it, is one of the “most telling words used to describe God in the Bible.” In a modern sense, when we think of glory, images of the olympian vested with honour, renown, and recognition comes to mind. But what of the glory of the Lord?
The Psalmists implore us to ascribe to the Lord the glory due his name, that the earth is full of God’s glory, and that humankind has been crowned with glory and honour. We are warned of coming too close to God’s glory yet also rejoice that it is in Jesus that we see God’s glory revealed. In this four-part series, we’ll explore the glory of God, the glory of God as revealed in Christ, our glory made in God’s image, and the future glory which awaits.