Mission Prayer Points - Tricia Quattromani (Middle Ridge State School)
January 31, 2025
Prayer Points for Tricia Quattromani, serving with SU Australia at Middle Ridge State School
Pray that in 2025, that Trish will be able to hear, follow and seek God's guidance each day, to be able to do the work he has planned for the school year
Pray for:
New prep students with transition to school and for comfort for parents
Prep teachers, for patience, wisdom and energy during the first few weeks.
Year 7 students as they adjust to high school, that they developing healthy friendships and habits
opportunities to make connections with families, especially those who have immigrated and the language barrier makes communication difficult
staff who are coming back to school with grief and loss of loved ones during the holidays and some with ongoing health issues. Pray for God's wisdom and guidance for Trish to navigate that space and be able to support them
families and the complexities of family life, family breakdown, domestic violence, housing issues and finance
the building of a Local Chaplaincy Community at MRSS that has community members and not just school staff. Pray that regular meetings can then begin
for the provision of funds and successful fundraising for the MRSS Chaplaincy in 2025