Prayer Points for the Langmeads, serving with BCA at Lightning Ridge
Thanks God for a new Christian high school teacher who is joining us in the school and our church next year
Thanks God for a new training partnership with St Marks UNEchurch, enabling ministry trainees to get experience in a different context for short and longer periods of time.
Thanks God for our community Christmas carols last night, with hundreds of our local community turning up; pray that in the midst of all the items, lollies, fun and fireworks, that Jesus remains the star of the show this Christmas season.
Give thanks for the ‘Community Kitchen’ partnership with Anglicare, and for the generosity of those who are supporting it financially and in prayer.
Pray that the Tuesday night Bible Disco (Discovery) and dinners would continue to be a place where believers and newcomers can build friendships and gospel bridges around a common table.
Give thanks for the ‘Let’s Cook’ cooking classes delivered by RFDS and Mission Australia; pray that they would help to support the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of our wider community.
Give thanks for the way that our new pre-service brekkie club on a Sunday is helping people, young and old, try church for the first time.
Give thanks for the generosity and hospitality of our long-term church members, and pray that the Lord would save or send others to join us.
Most of all, pray that many would taste and see that the Lord is good, and come to share a seat round Christ’s heavenly banquet table.