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One of the important ways that we share in our life together at St Bart’s is through the sharing of our financial resources. We do this in recognition of God’s extraordinary generosity towards us and recognising ultimately that all we have belongs to God. The main source of our income (75%) which enables our mission and ministry is through the generosity of people’s giving (i.e., tithes and offerings). We encourage every member (whether connecting in-person or online) to prayerfully discern what God is calling them to give.
If you’re not currently a regular giver, would you please prayerfully consider becoming one? We rely on every gift, and this year we’ll need to grow our giving in order to meet our budget.
How to Give:
Offerings & Tithes
How to Give: Building Fund: If you would also like to give to our building fund (helping to amortise our building loan), then please refer to the bank details on the rear of the news.