Why Christmas?
November 28, 2021

Why Christmas? Hope that's Real

The Rev'd Adam Lowe
1 Peter 1:1-12

Questions and going deeper resources

Small group questions

CONNECT: On one of your frontlines this week, how can you be fortified in: remembering who’s boss, standing firm, and trusting that salvation belongs to the Lord?  


  1. What are the most common ways in our culture that we prepare for Christmas?
  2. What does ‘advent’ mean? What do you find most helpful in preparing for Christmas?

Read 1 Peter 1:1-5

  1. Who were the communities that Peter was writing to? What do we know of their circumstances?
  2. In what ways is our hope living? How does this living hope make a difference in the ‘everyday’?
  3. How is it good news that our hope is anchored away from ourselves and to Jesus?
  4. How is our hope anchored to Jesus? What does Peter mean by “through” the resurrection?
  5. What are the types of things that you most o#en hope for? What is our greatest hope?
  6. What helps you anchor your hope to Jesus in the face of trouble or challenge? How about in times when things are going more smoothly?
  7. How does Christian hope (and the biblical view of hope) differ to everyday use of the word?

Read 1 Peter 1:6-9

  1. How is our inheritance described? Why does this matter? If our inheritance is guaranteed (and cannot spoil!), what sort of confidence should this give us?
  2. Can you think of an example of someone you know who has faced extraordinary sufferings yet maintained their hope in Jesus?
  3. How does Peter explain the purpose of the trials that the people were facing? Have you ever experienced a time of trial? How did you find that experience?
  4. Why do you think it is o#en through suffering that we grow as disciples of Jesus?
  5. Who is someone this Christmas with whom you would love to share the good news that through Jesus we have a hope that is real? Perhaps be especially praying for them this week.

Apply What one thing will help you to better celebrate Christmas this year?

Heavenly Father, we thank you so much that it is through Jesus that we can have a sure and certain hope. Please help us to be anchored to Jesus, certain of our future, and transformed today for your glory. Amen.
Going deeper resources

On Your Frontline This Week: How is your reliance on God, above everything else, visible on your frontline?

Listen, Watch, and Read:          

Series Resources:

Some helpful resources for our Series:

Grow as Families

Each week St Bart’s Kids and CHARGE Youth provides resources for you to use at home. Join the livestream and then spend 30 minutes to work through these together.

Families: Read, Chat, Do, and Pray

High School: CHARGE Discussion Questions

Kids’ Talk: Watch the Kids’ Talk

eBook: Watch the eBook

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