September 27, 2020

Mark: Jesus #Unfiltered - Teacher

The Rev'd Adam Lowe
Mark 12:28-44

Questions and going deeper resources

Small group questions

CONNECT: In light of God being the true owner (and judge) of our lives, how might that shape one aspect of your week this week?


  1. What does it mean to you to know that you are loved completely by God?
  2. Do you ever doubt God’s love? What helps remind you of God’s love?

READ Mark 12:28-34

  1. What are the two great commandments according to Jesus? How would you explain each aspect to someone who had never heard of this before?
  2. Can you think of some examples of the costliness of love? What do you think it actually means to love God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength?
  3. What do you think is the difference between ‘love’ as a noun, and ‘love’ as a verb? Whilst we often talk about being ‘in love’ or that ‘all we need is love’, do you think the world is good at actually loving people? How about loving God?
  4. What does it mean to love your neighbour as yourself? (And who is that neighbour?)
  5. How would you describe the completeness of God’s love to someone who doesn’t know God’s love?

READ Mark 12:35-37

  1. What is the significance of Jesus quoting Psalm 110? How did it challenge the views of the people that the Messiah would be both the Son of David and Son of God?
  2. What does it mean to you that you can actually know the Lord? What does that look like in daily life?
  3. How significant that God doesn’t give us a perfect sign or perfect argument, but the perfect person?
  4. How can we encourage people to more carefully look at the life of Jesus and consider his relevance?

READ Mark 12:41-44

  1. Why was the widow’s gift greater than the other gifts that were being given?
  2. How do we avoid being like the teachers of the law who desired to look good and get rich – all at the cost of loving God and those in need?
  3. Do you find it hard to relinquish control and trust in Jesus? How do you overcome this?
  4. What is one way that you can show your love to God more clearly this week? What is one way that you can love your neighbour (i.e., someone in need) more this week?

APPLY:  What is one way that you can lovingly lose control more to God this week?

Heavenly Father, we thank you that we can love you because you first loved us. Please help us to love you with all our whole lives and our neighbours as ourselves. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Going deeper resources

On Your Frontline This Week: How does being a follower of Jesus change how you care about truth and justice? Whatever your frontline, do you see how God can use you as a mouthpiece for truth and justice?

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