Encountering Jesus
February 27, 2022

Encountering Jesus: The Faithful Centurion

The Rev'd Dr Daniel Rouhead
Luke 7:1-10

Questions and going deeper resources

Small group questions

CONNECT: What is one way in which forgiveness from God is evident in your day-to-day life?


  1. Share with the group a “marvelous” experience you’ve had. What made it so special?
  2. Share with the group how others have helped you through a time of illness?

Read Luke 7:1-6a

  1. Why is the centurion a surprising Why did the centurion not go to meet Jesus himself?
  2. How are the centurion’s reasons for not going directly to Jesus similar to people’s reasons today?
  3. How is the centurion’s position like our own or different from ours?
  4. What role do the elders play in the story? Why do we think these particular people have been sent to talk to Jesus on behalf of the centurion?
  5. What do we learn about worthiness? Who is worthy in this encounter?

Read Luke 7:6b-8

  1. How does the centurion compare his authority to Jesus’ authority?
  2. Does the centurion attribute more, or less, authority to Jesus than Jesus actually has?
  3. How does our own view of Jesus’ authority compare to the centurion’s?
  4. How does our view of Jesus’ authority influence how we approach Jesus in times of trouble?

Read Luke 7:9-10

  1. Why is Jesus amazed by the centurion’s faith?
  2. What is his message to those listening when he commends the centurion’s faith?
  3. What did Jesus teach about faith just before this encounter (see Luke 6:46-49)?
  4. What do we learn from the centurion’s example?
  5. How can we be bold in approaching God, but also submit to God’s will in our lives?

APPLY: How can we be a humble example of faith on our frontlines this week? Think of one setting or scenario.

Loving God, we thank for the example of the faithful centurion. Help us to confidently approach Jesus as our Lord and Saviour, trusting in his power and authority, so that we can grow in our faith and demonstrate that faith on our frontlines. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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