November 14, 2021

Daniel: Writing on the Wall

The Rev'd Michael Calder
Daniel 5

Questions and going deeper resources

Small group questions

CONNECT: Identify one achievement or gift in your life. What does it look like to recognise that this is from God and to use it for his glory on one of your frontlines?  


  1. Can you recall a time when you’ve acted out of pride and arrogance?
  2. What does our culture think about people who have pride or are full of themselves?

Read Daniel 5:1-12

  1. What does the party show us about the character and personality of Belshazzar?
  2. Even though God doesn’t live in human made objects, why were the cups from the temple so significant? Was there anything ‘magical’ about them?
  3. Where in the world can we see other people mocking God? Do you ever see this on your frontlines? How have you reacted?
  4. Who is the only person who can help Belshazzar interpret the dream? Why can he help?

Read Daniel 5:13-31

  1. What did the King offer Daniel in response to an interpretation? What is Daniel’s response? Why do you think he acted in this way?
  2. What was the heart of the problem for Nebuchadnezzar? What was the heart of the problem for King Belshazzar? What is the difference in their responses when being confronted by the Lord?
  3. Why can’t the gods of Babylon see, hear, or understand? How is our Lord different?
  4. What was the meaning of the writing on the wall? How does this demonstrate who is really in control? How did Belshazzar react?
  5. How is it that we can approach and act towards God? Do we need to be strong and have life all together? What has he done to make this possible?
  6. How could this shape the way we tell people about our relationship with Jesus?

Apply Is there a particular area in your life that your pride is trying to get in the way of God’s rule? Bring it before God in prayer.

Heavenly Father, help us to be content and thankful for all you have given us and provided for us. Keep us from our pride and help us to constantly be humble. On our frontlines, help us to live our lives so that your graciousness and goodness will always shine through us. We pray this in Jesus’ name, Amen.
Going deeper resources

On Your Frontline This Week: How is your reliance on God, above everything else, visible on your frontline?

Listen, Watch, and Read:          

Series Resources:

Some helpful resources for our Series:

Grow as Families

Each week St Bart’s Kids and CHARGE Youth provides resources for you to use at home. Join the livestream and then spend 30 minutes to work through these together.

Families: Read, Chat, Do, and Pray

High School: CHARGE Discussion Questions

Kids’ Talk: Watch the Kids’ Talk

eBook: Watch the eBook

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