November 22, 2021

Daniel: In the Lion's Den

The Rev'd Adam Lowe
Daniel 6

Questions and going deeper resources

Small group questions

CONNECT: Is there a particular area in your life that your pride is trying to get in the way of God’s rule?  


  1. What have been the key events in the book Daniel so far? What has stood out for you?
  2. When did you first hear about Daniel in the Lion’s Den? Why is this is such a popular story?

Read Daniel 6:1-15

  1. What did Darius plan to do with Daniel? What (does it seem) were the ‘exceptional qualities’ of Daniel that had seemed to set him apart and impress the king?
  2. If Daniel was there for over 60 years, how is his consistency of character and competence impressive?
  3. One one of your frontlines, how can you demonstrate a distinctiveness in your integrity?
  4. What’t the longest workplace (or other frontline) in which you have served? How challenging do you
  5. think it is to be a faithful witness over time? What helps you with this?
  6. How is it evident that Daniel would keep going to God? How did he keep seeking to glorify God?
  7. What helps you to remember that God is your ultimate boss?
  8. How does Daniel stand firm in the face of this test of loyalty?
  9. How is it evident that standing firm includes both the critical moments and continual day-to-day?
  10. In what ways can following God be costly? Should this surprise us?
  11. What were the rhythms that helped Daniel stand firm? What does this look like for you?
  12. Is there any situation at work (or somewhere else) in which you’re challenged to stand firm?

Read Daniel 6:16-24

  1. Whilst worshipped as a god, how powerful is Darius in reality? How does he know this to be true?
  2. How is it evident that salvation belong to the Lord? How has this been evident in Daniel?
  3. Do you notice a parallel between Daniel (in the Lion’s den) and Jesus? How is it evident that God’s purposes culminate in the Lord Jesus?

Apply On one of your frontlines this week, how can you be fortified in: remembering who’s boss, standing firm, and trusting that salvation belongs to the Lord?

Almighty Lord, thank you that you are the King of Kings, that you are working out your purposes, which culminate in your Son. Please help us to be faithful witnesses wherever you have placed us. Amen.
Going deeper resources

On Your Frontline This Week: How is your reliance on God, above everything else, visible on your frontline?

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