April 24, 2022

Colossians: Following Jesus

The Rev'd Adam Lowe
Colossians 1:1-14

Questions and going deeper resources

Small group questions

CONNECT: In light of Jesusʼ resurrection: how can you grow more in his presence, power, or purpose?


  1. Together, what information can you brainstorm about the letter to the Colossians?
  2. Why do you think following Jesus is often described as walking with the Lord? What does it mean to “live a life worthy of the Lord”?

Read Colossians 1:1-8

  1. On writing to the Colossians, what cause was there for Paul to give thanks to God? Do you see any of these characteristics evident in our own community? (If so, donʼt forget to give thanks!)
  2. What is the relationship between the Colossiansʼ ʻfaith and loveʼ and the hope stored up for them?
  3. What does Paul mean by a hope that has been ʻstored upʼ for them in heaven? Why was it so important for Paul to remind the Colossians of this hope?
  4. How does (or should) a certain hope of the future shape the way in which we live today?

Read Colossians 1:9:14

  1. How important of a role did prayer play in Paulʼs understanding of mission? How could you more intentionally shape your prayer life missionally? (Try to think of content and rhythm.)
  2. Where does ultimate wisdom and understanding come from? How do you seek wisdom from God?
  3. Are you growing in your hunger for Godʼs will? Is there an area in which you are seeking or resisting it?
  4. How in recent years has your life been re-prioritised by Kingdom of God priorities?
  5. What are the ways that Paul suggests please God? Does our salvation depend on pleasing God?
  6. As you consider what pleases God, which of these aspects do you think you need to grow in more? How might this involve a laying down of self in order to prioritise what pleases God more?
  7. Do you think that patience and endurance are particularly counter-cultural today? How does trusting in Godʼs timing help grow us in patience and endurance? Do you know any personal examples of this?
  8. What does it mean that we have been qualified, rescued, and redeemed? Spend some time unpacking each of these words and any implications.

APPLY: What are the challenges in your walk with God at the moment? How could you take another next step?

Gracious God, thank you for the certain hope that we have because Jesus is the Risen Lord. Please help us to order our lives – individually and as a church – in line with your Kingdom priorities. In Jesusʼ Name, Amen.
Going deeper resources

On Your Frontline This Week: How do you prioritise time each week to get to know the people on your frontline? Maybe, it is eating lunch with others or slowing down during school pickup.

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